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A personal blog of my favorite things. I hope you enjoy! 

Favorite Design Pics

Colleen McDaniel

Another Montage of pics. This time, focused around design. I work in Interior Design and have such a passion for the beauty that surrounds us. Here is an ode to some of my favorite moments captured in a tiny little square. Click on the pictures to find out more about the product.

Rypen, Northeast Mpls, MN 2019

Rypen, Northeast Mpls, MN 2019

Barcelona, Spain 2017

Barcelona, Spain 2017

Loring Park, Mpls 2018

Loring Park, Mpls 2018

Rypen, Northeast, Mpls 2019

Rypen, Northeast, Mpls 2019

Mother Co., Mpls 2018

Mother Co., Mpls 2018

Rypen, Northeast, Mpls 2019

Rypen, Northeast, Mpls 2019

Northeast, Mpls 2019

Northeast, Mpls 2019

Loring Park, Mpls 2017

Loring Park, Mpls 2017